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I'm amazed a 13 yr old made this.

Thank you!


i will not sleep ever again. please make more


haha..There will be more (not a sequel)


absolutely amazing game bro! Definitely following! Love that monster’s belly too!


ahaha..Thx for playing!


I wish you could rub his belly :( 


bro what..🤣🤣


This was incredible! Great scares and an awesome environment, you should be very proud. Well done!

Thank u so much :D


Je suis le seul mangeur de baguette ici ouuuuu ??? 

En vrai pour un ptit drôle c'est pas mal comme jeu bravo à toi p'tit gars

J'avoue j'ai crié plein de fois j'ai le démon mdrrr


Thanks for playing!


Jeez that was crazy haha nice work man wow!


Thx for playing!


Congrats, man! Really a impressive work. 

Thank you!


hehehehhe ♥️🔥

Thx for playing!


Why is this happening?


It's probably because of your computer. If you don't have decent system pieces it might not run the game


Thank you very much for answering

(1 edit) (+1)

Great game you twisted 13 year old you! 😅


hahaha.. Thx for playing!


Cool Game Keep it up Can't wait for your next game! :)


Thank you for playing!


your welcome :)


Really great atmosphere and designs. Small critiques would be less is more when it comes to jumpscares and maybe a little more to the gameplay but overall its a really great game for the amount of time that it took to create. Keep up the great job


Thank you for playing and for the feedback! You'll notice the improvements in a next game!


just finished watching markipliers vid on this, your games amazing. the atmosphere was great and i got scared quite a few times. you did a great job making this, just shows that the whole age thing is bs. its knowledge and experience that matters. since even people much older cant make a game as good as yours, keep up the good work.


Thanks for letting me know :D



Thx for playing!

no problem!


Pretty nice game looking forward to play more of your games


Thx for playing!


markiplier played it so I just copied him thanks  congrats got a funny message for u at the end keep it up man ur insanely talented

Thanks for playing!


This gave me one of the biggest jumpscares to me that I have ever witnessed! Gread work! 


Thanks for playing!


Cool 😊👍


Thx ;)


BEST JUMPSCARES EVER. Loved the atmosphere. Great work :)

Good to know you liked it! Thx for playing :D



Thank you! It probably wont have a sequel, instead there will be a completly diferent game from a diferent universe


Despite all the screaming that went on, I actually did enjoy this.. Really impressive! :)


Thanks for playing! Good to know you liked it!


What an amazing game! You scared the HELL out of me lol I can't believe this was made by a 13 year old! You have a BRIGHT future my friend!!! 


Thanks for playing and for your kind words!


jesus this game is gonna kill me lmaoo but had tons of fun

Hello there, good sir


Thank you so much!

Terror Unleashed: Spine-Tingling Short Horror Games | Volume 2 (3rd Game) 


Thx for playing!


I dont know why I was so JUMPY while playing this game lol I still cannot believe a 13 year old made this!!! Amazing! I look forward to seeing more by you! Your game is third and starts at 13:18


Thank you! New game coming in the future


For a 13-year-old you did an amazing job, keep up the good work!!! :]

Thank you!


Me ha parecido un juego increible.Lo he disfrutado mucho. El terror que te genera el ambiente y los pasillos oscuros... y lo mejor, los sustos! Buen trabajo

Gracias/Thx for playing!


this game is amazing! well done!


Thank you!


For a 13yo you did an amazing job! The atmosphere was on point, the map was very claustrophobic, and the creatures are very scary. You just need to polish your storytelling and jumpscare timing, and you'll be great! Good Job!


Thanks for playing and for the feedback!


Fun game, well done! 

(1 edit) (+3)

Thx for playing ;)






With nightmare fuel waiting for you around every corner, this had me on my toes from beginning till the end. Great game!


Thanks for playing !



Wow, this was pretty good for a 13-year-old, keep up the good work!!! Would you mind telling me where did you get the ambient sounds from ? Thanks!


Thank u! I dont remember very well, but I think it was from youtube


This game had me on edge with all the jumpscares lol

Thanks for playing!


keep the good work this is amazing 


Thx for playing! Good to know you liked it!


Holy smokes this was a great horror game. Great scares, creepy environment and atmosphere! And the fact you were 13 is incredible. Keep up the awesome work and I'll definitely play more of your games. Check out the video I made on it!

Thx for playing! New game coming in the future!


can't wait to play it!


用了很多公共建模,但是过程很流畅,跳杀蛮刺激的,这种狭窄的通道真的让人发怵。期待你以后会有更好的作品。不用辍学也能做出好游戏,吓得我扔鼠标的《失落的恐惧(The Lost Fear)》恐怖游戏视频(中文字幕)


Thanks for playing :)

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